Saturday, November 16, 2013

Day 14: Red Week - Shorthorns - Pixie Dust

Full Name:  Po-Cop Pixie Dust
What we call Her: Pixie Dust
Age:  5 months

Ok, so we are having to diverge down into the heifers to finish out Red Week, but you can't not love the names we have going here with the P's. 

Pixie Dust is getting ready to move up to the next pen of older heifers tommorrow.  We tried moving her a few weeks ago, and although our Milking Shorthorns are big, she is still very small compared to our Holsteins, so I let her stay in the "monoslope" barn with our younger calves for a few weeks. 
However, we have more Shorthorns coming up behind her, so she needs to move!

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