Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Three Most Wonderful Words....

The three most wonderful words that Brent could have said to me on Tuesday...........


I'd been planning a blog post about being on "Baby Watch", but it was over before it barely began.  One of our heifers, Team Mardi Gras, (a very nice, potential to be shown & sold in the future, has her own special pen, heifer) started acting uncomfortable Sunday, so I've been on the every 4 to 6 hour checks to make sure that everything goes smoothly.  However, this "uncomfortable-ness" was a good sign, as she wasn't actually due until April 22nd.  Early babies tend to be heifers, and we were really hoping for a heifer.  Tuesday morning, she didn't eat her grain (she ALWAYS eats her grain, and in fact, we kind of had her on a diet), so Brent stepped it up to hourly checks.  At 4 pm, he helped our new baby girl into the world.  Both mom & baby are doing great!  It absolutely made my day.  Even better, I got to feed the new heifer, and she sucked down her colostrum I gave her wonderfully with no problems.  Welcome to the farm, Po-Cop Shottle Madison!

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