This begins the week of "-est" on the farm. First up, is our highest scored cow.
Full Name: Luck-E-JK Outside Thunder
We Call Her: Lucke
Age: 8 years old, 1 month
# of Calves/Lactations: 7 calves/5 lactations - 2 sets of twins
Lifetime Milk Production: 102,697 pounds or 11,933 gallons
We bought Lucke at a sale in 2008. We didn't go expecting to buy her, but when she sold she was stuck at a really low bid, and so we jumped in. She scored EX-90 a few years ago at our farm, only the 3rd cow to ever do so. She has had 2 sets of twins, and she is aptly named "Lucky" because she is still with us, despite more than her share of issues after those twins.
She just calved again in October, and we are really excited about her heifer calf, Luxury.
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